Frequently Asked Questions

Is Rolfing for me?

To determine if Rolfing is for you, I offer a free consultation where I assess your body, find out what your goals are, get a picture of what types of accidents, illnesses, surgeries or injuries your body has sustained.  I explain Rolfing in detail and we decide how to proceed.  If after the consultation there are still questions, then a rule of thumb for me is that you undergo the first three treatments.  If after the third treatment you are not noticing significant positive changes, then perhaps Rolfing is not for you.


What makes Rolfing last?
Rolfing is different from most forms of bodywork or manipulation.  Each treatment works on a specific area of the body.  Rolfers work on connective tissue lengthening and changing its shape within a finite number of treatments.  We get you involved in the process by your flexing or extending the muscle attached to the tendons, ligaments or cartilage we are manipulating.  So together Rolfer and client re-educate you on "how to be more in alignment within your body."  Also Rolfing exists within a framework of usually a finite number of treatments, each building upon the one before it.  So there is a certain chronology with the work.  After the series is complete you don't keep coming back for more.    Rolfing is not about 'building a practice.'
What should I wear to a Rolfing treatment?
Women are encouraged to wear a two-piece outfit usually a sports bra and loose fitting short shorts.  Men may wear boxers or briefs.


What is the cost?
Each Rolfer fixes their own fee.  Fees vary from one area of the country to another.



Rolfing® in the Desert
Bill LeGrave, Certified Advanced Rolfer
Accessible to all desert cities

(760) 219-5301

By Appointment Only
Free Consultations

**The words Rolfing and Rolfer are service marks of the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration located in Boulder, CO.  where all Rolfers using this service mark train.